Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

  • Ronald Ortner, from University of Leoben, Austria.

    Period: spent his sabbatical Jan-Oct 2012 with us. Some papers as a result of this collaboration are [43] , [44] ; some more are under submission.

  • Gusztav Morvai, senior research at Budapest University of Technology and Economics.

    Period: Oct 18-24, 2012

  • Tor Lattimore, Ph.D. student at Australian National University.

    Period: Nov. 2-9, 2012

  • Bernardo Avila Pires

    Period: May 2012 (one month)

    He worked with Mohammad Ghavamzadeh on risk bounds in cost-sensitive multiclass classification. The outcome of this collaboration has been a conference paper in preparation [61] so far.

  • Joelle Pineau

    Period: September 2012 (one week)

    Prof. Pineau visited SequeL for one week as a part of her sabbatical. During her stay, in addition to have discussions with SequeL team members and giving two talks on her research, she wrote a proposal with Mohammad Ghavamzadeh and Rémi Munos to start an associate team between SequeL and McGill university.

  • Pr. Giovanni Cascante, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

    Period: June 2012

    He worked with Philippe Vanheeghe and Emmanuel Duflos on parameters estimation in acoustic probing in civil engineering. The outcome of this collaboration has been a project master (from November 2012) and a proposition of research project under evaluation the University of Waterloo so far.


  • Louis Dacquet, student at Ecole Centrale Lille.

    Period: April-June 2012.

    He worked with Pierre Chainais on blind image deconvolution.

  • Alexandre Kazmierowski, student at Ecole Telecom ParisTech.

    Period: June-July 2012.

    He worked with Pierre Chainais and Antoine Gloria (SIMPAF project) on textured models for heterogeneous media and homogeneization theory in PDEs.

  • Phuong Nguyen, Ph.D. student at Australian National University.

    Period: 15 February - 30 April 2012

    He worked with Daniil Ryabko on state representation for reinforcement learning. As a result, one paper is submitted and one is being prepared.

  • Florian Gas, Student at the Ecole Centrale de Lille, France.

    Period: May 2012 - July 2012.

    He worked with Emmanuel Duflos on foundations of Sequential Monte Carlo Methods in high dimension